Talking Telegraph

Full Street Address: Talking Telegraph
Postal Code: BD18 3DS
Phone Number: 07908 273899
Organisation Characteristics: Not for Profit Organisation
Geographical area: Bradford District wide
Has documents: Annual accounts, Bank account, Constitution or other governing document, Equal opportunities or diversity policy or statement, Health and safety policies, Regular committee meetings with minutes, Safeguarding (child, adult protection) policies
Information last updated: 15th May 2019

Bradford and District talking newspaper for visually impaired people. An independent registered charity, we help visually challenged adults to access local news as printed in the T&A. We provide a free, weekly service for visually impaired adults who live across Bradford and District by recording and posting out recordings of full articles from the Telegraph and Argus on usb sticks. Each recording is approximately one hour long. If potential listeners do not already have the means to play MP3 files on USB sticks, we may lend them players for as long as they need them.
The talking Telegraph is run entirely by unpaid volunteers and has run this free service, 50 weeks per year, since 1985.